Week 8: Concept Development:

This week was a crucial point in my project as I began developing ideas. After analysing my chosen brief and exploring relevant themes and trends over the past four weeks, it was time to develop my ideas.

After some research and trial and error, I created initial concepts and explored potential visual directions for my final outcome.

Research Task:

Your research task this week is to map out a range of design concepts and theories that might help underpin the academic rigour of your outcome. Who are the key thinkers that are relevant to the subject area that you are exploring?

When exploring design concepts around outdoor installations I managed to find a few individuals in the field of, experiential art, and outdoor installations:

Claes Oldenburg

A prominent American sculptor known for his large scale sculptures of commonplace items. Transforming mundane objects like typewriters, hamburgers, and typewriters into colossal, often soft sculptures, Oldenburg's work challenges traditional notions of art and invites viewers to reconsider the significance of the everyday.

Romulo Celdran

Similar to Oldenburg, Romulo Celdran is renowned for his extraordinary ability to breathe life into inanimate materials, Celdran's work blurs the boundaries between reality and artistic creation. Celdran's sculptures captivate viewers by their astonishing resemblance to living subjects.

Richard Serra

Renowned for his large-scale, site-specific sculptures, Serra's work often engages with the surrounding environment, offering insights into the relationship between space, form, and perception.

By exploring the theories and ideas put forth by these key thinkers, you can enrich the academic foundation of your outdoor installation project, gaining insights into the artistic, environmental, and experiential dimensions of your design concepts.

Week 8: Entry

Summarise your creative progress from this week and reflect critically and analytically on your research findings. Outline your thinking and working processes, elaborate on ideas and visual experiments. Give consideration to any feedback that you may have received.

During the development phase for my outdoor installation, I soon realised I was missing a niche which my project required. After recieving some valuable feedback from my tutor, Theresa. I began looking into AR (Augmented Reality) and seeing how this could be combined within my piece. At first the installation was going to be a standalone piece, raising awareness around the Science Museum Groups Digital Collection. However now with
combining AR, I am able to create a more imersive learning experience.

I conceptualised this thorugh sketching, then mokcing up in Photoshop. Theresa's insights prompted a critical reevaluation of my projects narrative, and balance between tangible and virtual elements. In response, I refined my visual experiments, ensuring a clearer direction.


Week 9: Methodologies for thinking and development processes


Week 7: Positioning & Trends